Hipster wannabes get facial hair transplants

bearded hipster

Stubble-challenged guys are forking over up to $8,500 for the beard-boosting procedure, which has spiked in popularity in recent months, plastic surgeons told The Post.

“Brooklyn is probably the nucleus of the trend, it’s the hipster ‘look’ guys want. If you have a spotty beard, and you let it grow out, it looks sloppy, ” said Dr. Jeffrey Epstein, a Midtown-based plastic surgeon.

“[Clients] want full beards because it’s a masculine look. Beards are an important male identifier,” he added.

Epstein performs two or three beard implants per week — up from just a handful each year a couple years ago, he said.

The specific hipster-inspired style  — a lumberjack-meets-roadie hybrid — was made popular in neighborhoods such as Williamsburg, Bushwick and Park Slope, doctors and patients said.

One happy patient  is Danny, 27, whose beard used to be so patchy, he was forced to “fill it in” with an eyebrow pencil, he said.

Two years ago, he paid $8,500 for the surgery, which he considers a fashion statement.

“I have a baby face but now I’m able to look older. My fashion statement is a little edgy, and I do like the ‘rugged look,’” he said,

He added, “It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made.”

During the procedure, doctors remove hair from other body parts, including the head and chest, before implanting it in the face.

New beards grow back normally and can be shaved.

The hair-raising trend is also popular with female-to-male transgenders, Hasidic Jews, and guys who simply aren’t very hairy, doctors said.

Thanks to Brandon T. for the tip!

Hipster wannabes get facial hair transplants | New York Post

1 in 4 Americans unaware that Earth circles Sun

Earth circling Sun

Americans are enthusiastic about the promise of science but lack basic knowledge of it, with one in four unaware that the Earth revolves around the Sun, said a poll out Friday.

The survey included more than 2,200 people in the United States and was conducted by the National Science Foundation.

Ten questions about physical and biological science were on the quiz, and the average score — 6.5 correct — was barely a passing grade.

Just 74 percent of respondents knew that the Earth revolved around the Sun, according to the results released at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicago.

Fewer than half (48 percent) knew that human beings evolved from earlier species of animals.

The result of the survey, which is conducted every two years, will be included in a National Science Foundation report to President Barack Obama and US lawmakers.

1 in 4 Americans unaware that Earth circles Sun

Report: 3 Out Of 4 Kids Drink Caffeine Every Day

Caffeine and Kids

A new report out Monday shows three out of four children drink caffeine every day. They’re getting it from soda and powerful energy drinks, and for some young people, it’s causing deadly results.

It’s a caffeine crackdown after a new study shows three out of four kids are consuming the stimulant every day.

“It’s not surprising when you’re talking about soft drinks that kids have. The fact that caffeine is in chocolate, so it’s really easy to end up having a cookie,” said parent Paula Gallagher.

The CDC report says younger children get their caffeine from teas and older ones get it from soda, though energy drinks have become a common source.

“These kids are being flooded with caffeine everywhere they go, from soft drinks to energy drinks,” said Mike Gimbel, drug expert.

Report: 3 Out Of 4 Kids Drink Caffeine Every Day « CBS Baltimore