Parent Left ‘Speechless’ After Reading the ‘Field Day’ Flyer Reportedly Sent Home by Daughter’s School

North Hills Elementary flyer exerpt

Parents of students at North Hill Elementary in Rochester Hills, Michigan, have reportedly been informed that all students are “winners,” therefore the “competitive ‘urge to win’ will be kept to a minimum” at the school’s annual field day.

The flyer, flagged by Progressives Today, reads in part:

“The purpose of the day is for our school to get together for an enjoyable two hours of activities and provide an opportunity for students, teachers and parents to interact cooperatively. Since we believe that all of our children are winners, the need for athletic ability and the competitive “urge to win” will be kept to a minimum. The real reward will be the enjoyment and good feelings of participation.”

via Parent Left ‘Speechless’ After Reading the ‘Field Day’ Flyer Reportedly Sent Home by Daughter’s School |